Sunday, March 18, 2007

Second Chance: taking advantage of exposure opportunities

So..... It's been a few weeks now since my last post. I've not been able to work on artwork at my usual pace lately, as I'm in the middle of a 6 week commitment to teach nutrition classes to future pastry chefs at the Cooking & Hospitality Institute of Chicago (CHIC). While I do enjoy this job, I'm chomping at the bit to work on some new items & start building up my stock for summer shows.

Meanwhile - I did have the opportunity to attend Country Living Magazine's Second Annual Women Entrepeneurs Seminar, which was in Chicago on Saturday March 10. I learned a ton about where I should be taking my business, and I had the opportunity to "pitch my products" to a couple of the magazine's editors. The editors were very gracious & gave me great advice for the future direction of Second Chance Art & Accessories. Pictured are my sister & I, and my Mom & I carrying some select artwork down to the waiting area before my pitch time.