Monday, May 21, 2007

Who looks at the stamp anyway?

I've just sent out my first mailing to provide previous customers with my show schedule for this year. My Mom was a huge help with this - she does mountains of busy work for me to help support Second Chance Art & Accessories, and claims it is "fun." I think I won the Mom lottery or something.

Anyway, we looked online to see if there were any cool stamps to use when sending out my mailings. My options seemed a little slim for post card stamps..... of course, really cool 1 & 2 cent stamps were available - but how would I fit 26 of these on my postcards? Soooo..... we decided to have these cool "second chance art & accessories" stamps printed. Here's a picture of what we used on the stamp. If you got the post card, I hope you thought it was cool!

Yesterday Second Chance Art & Accessories participated in Fair Diddley, in Woodstock, IL. Despite the cold (we could see our breath at one point) and rain (2 hours or so), we found the town square charming & the festival organizers & other participants very friendly. Overall - it was a good experience! If you came to visit the booth, thanks for stopping by! In the picture below, you can see my sister in the mirror, which I know she's not going to like. Heh heh...

It's on to Arlington Heights in 2 weeks (Arlington Heights Promenade of Art - Amdur Productions), where I will have a booth next to my Aunt, Alice Greko - who is also an artist! It should be a fun experience as long as the weather cooperates.


Olivia in Baton Rouge said...

Can't wait...can't wait..your art work is awesome. I can tell it is your passion. See you there.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I better not be in any pictures from Arlington Heights. ha ha.