Monday, March 24, 2008

Eureka! My own basement is a gold mine .....

Hi everyone - here's what's new. My husband & I went on a garbage date last night. It is still a little chilly to expect lots of finds from home renovations, etc. However, I figured my husband owed me a garbage date, since he skipped out on his own family's Easter dinner this past Saturday to play volleyball instead (I attended of course - his family is great!). Just when I thought we were coming home empty handed, the "alley of wonder" came through again. I found a nice skinny recessed panel door, which is pictured here along with some of my earlier finds.

These photos of the creepy ceiling joists with cob webs are from my very own basement. Not too long ago, I started prying old insulators from the joists - left from the knob & tube wiring era. I've collected about 40 so far. They cook up really nice in the hardware soup pot, because of their shiny porcelain finish (paint doesn't stick very well). I've used a few of these in the past as knobs on art pieces for coat hanging, etc. These pieces sold quickly - so I've decided to harvest all I can from my basement. I've got a few more to go down there - & then it will be onto my attic. I've already started to put the idea in my husband's head of a "attic insulator party" - hopefully he'll be willing to help me. I've found that if you call something a "party" & follow it up with ice cream, sometimes husbands are more willing to help with things.

Here's the latest couch pictures. This weekend I finished upholstering the back, put on the gimp trim & nailheads. Almost done! Just cushion covers to sew. The cushions are a little scary. I've debated whether I should open them up, or just leave them as-is & sew covers to put over them. I'm leaning toward covering over them. If I open them up & there happens to be something living in them I might really freak out - I guess I really don't want to know what they are stuffed with.
thanks for checking in - take care!


Marlana said...

Nice pics. I love the "party" idea. It's like "garbage date." Maybe if I had called this coming Saturday a "moving furniture & boxes party" I would have got more volunteers! Thanks for the idea.

Olivia in Baton Rouge said...

Now I can't wair until your first show ( when is it????) to see what you make of that door panel. Love your stuff.