Above is a shot of our booth, in front of Jenny's restaurant on Kansas St. We were entertained by patrons who brought their pets, many wearing dresses, hats, and assorted doggie fashions.
Above is a shot from inside the booth .... this section shows coat racks waiting for your hangables!
Above is a close up of our "Post Office" highboy dresser.... here we've taken vintage post office box doors, and retrofitted them into a dresser drawer to create mailboxes. We've added dividers to the drawer, and slots above each mailbox - for all your family's mail. This is an entertaining piece, as each door has it's own combination. You'll have to visit a show in person to see if you can get the doors open! (the combos are listed on this piece's price tag, and each works just fine if you know how to enter the combo)
Okay, so now it's time to explain why we've "gone batty". On a personal note, my husband & I moved a few months ago to an old house we've been rehabbing. Well... it's still not done yet, and will probably take us a couple of years to really get it buttoned up. Our next big project is adding a fireplace, so we've prepared for this by removing a section of wall, and busting into an existing brick chimney.
Both Saturday night & Sunday night we discovered a bat flying around our house! Being the manager type that I am, I immediately delegated the task of "bat removal" to my husband.
Little did he know when we got married that he'd have to remove assorted live animals from our house (in the past, he's been in charge of "opossum removal", "bird removal", and "dismembered squirrel removal" - compliments of our doggie door, and our bored border collie)
The picture above shows the bat, clinging to a section of chimney in our living room (which, by the way, is currently under construction). He ended up catching it in a coffee can, and released it outside. This was saturday night when we came home from the fest. The following evening, we were "delighted" by another bat, flying in circles around our bedroom! Ahhhh! Of course, I covered myself with a blanket until it flew out of the room. Since he was now well practiced in bat removal, my husband was again able to catch the bat with a coffee can & release it outside. We've since tried to identify & plug up all holes in our attic, chimney, etc. Hopefully this will be it for the battiness!
thanks for stopping by... our next show is in Louisville, Kentucky - Oct. 2-4. Stay tuned for more Second Chance Art & Accessories adventures, and show info - take care - Amy
I have an idea I want you to work on for me. A window with an 1893 Columbian Exposition theme with hooks for my kitchen. Just letting you know so your brain can mull it over.
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