Thursday, October 04, 2007

Door chopping "Party"

Hi everyone - I don't think it's been THAT long since my last post, so maybe I'm getting better at this. I'm sure in the blogging world my time between posts is like an eternity though......

A few weeks ago my husband & I went over to my parents' house (as we often do) for the purpose of a "door cutting party". I have been accused by my husband of calling unpleasant things a "party" just so they sound better than they really are. Personally, I think cutting up old doors into more usable pieces is an ideal afternoon - but I guess my unpaid labor disagrees with me.

Anyway, at least the "door pile" in my parents' garage no longer exists. Instead, there is a lovely new pile of door pieces on a nice new shelf my husband built for me in our very own garage.

I've included some pictures from the "party" above. Hopefully all these pieces will inspire some great new art that will be ready for my next show in November! (11/15-11/18, Odeum in Villa park, IL)
talk to you soon - :) Amy

1 comment:

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